Congratulations to Brother George Morgan, Jr. (Lambda, Spring 2015) for being crowned as #theFirst Mr. UConn! #LambdaThetaPhi #Lambdas #ΛΘΦ 3/29/16

Congratulations to Brother George Morgan, Jr. (Lambda, Spring 2015) for being crowned as #theFirst Mr. UConn! #LambdaThetaPhi #Lambdas #ΛΘΦ 3/29/16 @lambdas1975

Mr. UConn

Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam eget enim.

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